Parrocchia San Giacomo Apostolo - Basilica B.V. della Navicella - Chioggia

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the Parish of St. James the Apostle



Located in the central part of the city and is extended over the Canal and the Canal Vena Lombardo, the Parish of St. James the Apostle is the largest and most populated parishes in the Vicariate of Urban, a record that has held since 1787, when it already had 7230 souls.
On 8 February 2009, the parish has made the two hundred years. By the decrees of 22 June 1805 and March 10, 1808, in fact, Napoleon had begun to redraw the boundaries of the parish twenty cities of the Kingdom of Italy, making them become autonomous institutions. Chioggia A division of the City in three parishes is due to the decree of 8 February 1809, to which was added to the Bishop Peruzzi who gave life to the parish of St. Martin in Autonomous Underwater.
Prior to the establishment of parishes, the two churches in the city of St. James and St. Andrew's did not exist as an autonomous institution but depended on the Cathedral. Their care served as simple delegates of the Cathedral Chapter, which alone has the title of pastor for the diocese since the Middle Ages. Such care could count, not enjoying other income, only on limited income and sacramental offices on the generosity of the faithful.

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